Leader as Coach 


The "Leader as Coach Program" is a transformative initiative designed to equip leaders with effective coaching skills. Focused on enhancing emotional intelligence, communication, and empathy, it empowers leaders to foster a supportive, growth-oriented environment. Participants learn to inspire, engage, and develop their teams, leading to improved performance and organizational success. Click here for more.

High-Performing Team "WINGS Program" 

The Future of Work Program emphasizes essential skills for modern executives, based on the WINGS model: creativity for innovative problem-solving, critical thinking for informed decision-making, self-management for personal growth, attention management for focus in a distracting world, and social intelligence for effective collaboration. This holistic approach prepares individuals for the... Click here for more.

Corporate Presentation Skills Program

This program focuses on presentation and scripting skills, offering participants numerous advantages. It boosts public speaking confidence, enhances organization, and creates engaging, persuasive presentations. Participants learn to handle questions, convey complex information, and adapt to diverse audiences. Ultimately, this training improves one's professional image and message delivery effectiveness. We work closely with you on Click here for more.


Design your Leadership Program

This 10-module program covers essential leadership concepts, including situational leadership, personal assessment, modeling, inspiring, challenging, enabling, and encouraging. It highlights leadership approaches, coaching, communication, "Future of Work" skills, and the neuroscience of leadership. To learn more about the program. We also give you opions of what you would like in yor program that is applicable to your environment.  Click here for more.

"Own your Leadership" Workshop

"Own Your Leadership" is a program designed to empower individuals in their leadership journey. It focuses on developing key skills such as effective communication, strategic thinking, team management, and emotional intelligence. The program combines interactive workshops, personal coaching, and real-world exercises tailored to help participants hone their unique leadership style and confidently lead teams to success.  Click here for more.

"Own your Career" Workshop

"Own Your Career" is a program designed to empower individuals to take control of their career paths. It emphasizes self-awareness, skill development, and strategic planning. Participants learn to identify their strengths, set realistic goals, and navigate career challenges. Networking, mentorship, and continuous learning are key components of fostering a proactive approach to career advancement.     Click here for more.

Leadership Resilience and Agility Workshop

The 7 C's of Resilience, rooted in skill development, enable effective decision-making. Demonstrating competence in real-life situations. Connection to family, friends, and community fosters security. The 7 C's, grounded in moral values, guide responsible choices and self-worth, are driven by purpose, and strengthen community bonds. Looking at what helps with stress helps build resilience. Understanding internal control empowers individuals to be problem-solvers, fostering capability and confidence. For more info...

Voice and Service Excellence Program

A 6-month journey of personal and professional development.  We explore communication models, mindset shifts, and body language for building rapport. We delve into service goals, vocal usage, and active listening. Focusing on service etiquette, effective conversations, and boosting confidence. We introduce stress relief, reframing, and coaching. We also support this with ongoing microlearning through our Sustainability Coaching App. The program concludes with a comprehensive report and assessment. Click here for more.

Unconscious Bias and Inclusivity Program

This program is aimed at fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for individuals from various backgrounds and experiences. Emphasizing the value of differences in race, gender, sexual orientation, and cultural backgrounds. Promoting equality, reducing bias, and encouraging participation and representation from all group members. Create a more diverse and inclusive workplace or community, enhancing creativity, understanding, and overall performance.  Click here for more.